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Multiple Fiber Cuts from Construction Digging have been causing Widespread Outages.

At this time, buildings L and M are the only units that don't have any internet access. The rest of the property is currently able to access the internet over a temporary connection. We are still uncertain when the main fiber, building L, and building M will be repaired. We are also uncertain as to whether or not the construction company plans to ignore location marking for buried cable.

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Home > WiFi FAQ > How do I change my WiFi password or network name?
How do I change my WiFi password or network name?
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IPacket Networks owns and manages the Access Point equipment installed in your unit/location. If you would like to change the WiFi password, please create and submit a ticket with the request and adhere to the WiFi Password and/or Network Name requirements listed below. There is no change to create a custom WiFi network or password.


Please be advised, IPacket is not responsible for providing or distributing custom WiFi passwords to Guests and/or Renters. If the WiFi password is changed from the default password, requestors must obtain the custom password from the property/unit Owner. 


IPacket can also create a custom WiFi network name (SSID) and password specifically for Owners or Guests. This is particularly helpful for those that have a large quantity of WiFi connected devices (i.e. Ring doorbell, smart thermostat, TV's, cameras, printer, etc.), and want to keep those devices connected on a separate network.


Custom WiFi Password Requirements:

  • Must be a minimum of 8 characters
  • Letters and numbers only
  • No special characters (i.e. !*&%$)


Custom WiFi Network Name (SSID) Requirements:

  • The network name must contain your unit number (i.e. Owner-ILR-406)
  • Custom networks must be password-protected
  • Network names must be distinguishable from one another (i.e. you cannot have two WiFi networks named "ILR-406" and "406-ILR"



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(877) 912-1550

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Contact Billing:

(850) 588-1112

[email protected]

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