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Multiple Fiber Cuts from Construction Digging have been causing Widespread Outages.

At this time, buildings L and M are the only units that don't have any internet access. The rest of the property is currently able to access the internet over a temporary connection. We are still uncertain when the main fiber, building L, and building M will be repaired. We are also uncertain as to whether or not the construction company plans to ignore location marking for buried cable.

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Home > WiFi FAQ > Trouble connecting a printer or smart home device?
Trouble connecting a printer or smart home device?
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If the default WiFi password is still used to login to your WiFi network and your smart devices will not connect to WiFi, please contact IPacket so we can change the password and update the security settings that are preventing your device from connecting. In most cases where a device won't connect to WiFi, creating a custom WiFi network (SSID) for smart-devices solves this connection issues. 


Another culprit of connectivity issues is older devices that are unable to connect to today's 5Ghz WiFi networks. Older devices, and in some cases certain cameras and smart home devices, are programmed on the device level to only "find" and connect to 2.4GHz WiFi networks. In these cases, creating a custom WiFi network for these devices will almost certainly solve the connectivity issue. 


Please create a ticket if you are experiencing WiFi connectivity issues and an IPacket Support engineer will contact to troubleshoot the issue. If it is determined that custom WiFi network name and password will solve the issue, we ask that you please adhere to the requirements below. 


Custom WiFi Password Requirements:

  • Must be a minimum of 8 characters
  • Letters and numbers only
  • No special characters (i.e. !*&%$)


Custom WiFi Network Name (SSID) Requirements:

  • The network name must contain your unit number (i.e. Owner-ILR-406)
  • Custom networks must be password-protected
  • Network names must be distinguishable from one another (i.e. you cannot have two WiFi networks named "ILR-406" and "406-ILR"


Contact Customer Support:

(877) 912-1550

Create a customer support request


Contact Billing:

(850) 588-1112

[email protected]

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